Analytic Dive Into the Interior Department’s Part 293 Compact Review Regulations
It has been less than a year since the Department of the Interior's amendments to 25 CFR Part 293 have been in effect and the impact has been far-reaching with compacts for tribes in two states having been disapproved, compacts having gone into effect as “deemed approved” in six states, and Secretarial Procedures having been issued to more than a dozen tribes in California. The panel will discuss how the procedures have created a sea-change at the compact negotiation table. Will this trend continue into the new Administration? The panel of experienced tribal attorneys will explore:
• What is required for state taxation of gaming revenue?
• What constitutes a matter directly related to the regulation of Class III gaming?
• What is required to allow a tribe to offer state-wide mobile sports betting or i-gaming?
• Does Interior’s authority to provide technical assistance mean Interior now has a seat at the table?
• What are the implications of a “deemed approved” compact: What is the relevance of Interior’s explanatory letters?
• What are the implications of a disapproved compact; What if the state refuses to agree to terms that DOI will approve?