Brian McDonald
Brian is an enrolled member of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe, a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe, whose reservation includes 32 miles of the Colorado River shoreline within the State of California and shares a border with Arizona. He has served five terms as an elected member of the Chemehuevi Tribal Council.
Brian has held several board positions within California Indian Country, including his Vice Chair of the Tribal Alliance of Sovereign Indian Nations (TASIN), as well as an Advisory Board role with the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California. Past roles have included sitting on the Transportation Committee for The Southern California Association of Governments, one of the largest regional planning bodies in the Country, as well as the Inter Tribal Council of California.
He is currently the Account Executive for Salesforce, where he covers Tribal Government and Gaming across the Nation. Salesforce is a cloud based software company, and the world's leading customer relationship management technology.